About Us


Indian Institute of Education (IIE)

The Indian Institute of Education (IIE) is both a nationally and internationally acclaimed research institute supported by the Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), MHRD, New Delhi and the Government of Maharashtra. Prior to this in 1976, the Government of India launched the National Adult Education Programme (NAEP) which included establishment of State Resource Centre for Non-formal Education for preparation of materials for literacy, advocacy, and organizing training of adult-education workers.

Jan Shikshan Sanstha (earlier known as Shramik Vidyapeeth) are two such Institutes that were groomed initially by Indian Institute of Education and subsequently progressed as independent institute. Many more alternative models have been developed by the Indian Institute of Education and have been put into practice in the following four extension centres, viz., Vigyan Ashram, Pabal; Centre for Education and Development of Rural Women, Shivapur; G.D. Parikh Centre, Mumbai and J. P. Naik Centre for Education and Development, Pune.
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The Institute undertakes extensive research and publishes literature that emphasis on the philosophy and sociology of education, post-colonial studies and possibilities of universal equity-based education, secularism, scientific and humanistic education, caste and minority studies, educational planning and management, theories of underdevelopment, cultural theory and education, policy-forms and excellence in education.

Being an ICSSR affiliated institute, the IIE has so far conducted several research projects funded by national and international organizations viz, UNESCO, FORD Foundation, Government of India and the, Planning Commission.

 Apart from the above research initiatives, the Institute lays significant attention on teaching to nurture and develop social scientists that are able to approach the discipline of education from an interdisciplinary perspective. This is being carried out by two vigorous academic programmes; M.Phil. and Ph.D. in Education (Interdisciplinary). Another important contribution is extension activities wherein need-based capacity building programmes are conducted for stakeholders functioning in tribal, rural urban communities are conducted through-out the year. Promoting Primary and Elementary Education (PROPEL) project of the Indian Institute of Education has received International acclaim and an UNESCO award in 1993 for developing a community-managed basic education model relevant for rural children, particularly girls in developing countries.

Registration Number of the Institute

No. F 1852 (Poona) under BPT Act 1950, July 21, 1981
No. 1620 under Societies Registration Act 1860, March 28, 1948
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Our Vision and Mission

The Indian Institute of Education was established essentially to dedicate its focus on research in education with an interdisciplinary approach and most important on the relationship between education and society from various perspectives.
  • To consequently understand education as cultural transformation,