Vigyan Ashram, Pabal - IIE Pune

Vigyan Ashram, Pabal

Vigyan Ashram is a center of Indian Institute Of Education (IIE) Pune. A scientist turned educationalist Late Dr.S.S.Kalbag started Vigyan Ashram in 1983 to find out solution to the problems in education.

Vigyan Ashram is located in village Pabal approx 70 kms from Pune. 

Its situated on Rajgurunagar – Shirur Road. Population of Pabal is @ 10000. There are several small hamlets attached to Pabal which make Pabal central market place. Pabal is drought prone and its truly representative Indian village. Idea of establishing Vigyan Ashram at Pabal is whatever we do at Ashram can be replicated in any part of the country. For us “Vigyan” means ‘Search of Truth’ and “Ashram” symbolises ‘Simple living and High thinking for us, a organization where all are equal, it’s a modern version of old Gurukul system’ Management committee appointed by trustee’s of IIE looks after management of VA.